Sports Betting Lingo A~C, help you to be a pro on any online gambling site. For those uninitiated, OKbet Online Casino gambling jargon can be confusing. glossary to sports betting terminology makes familiar phrases, meanings, and gambling slang simple for any bettor to learn. Use it as a reference if you come across an unfamiliar word or phrase while placing bets.

Sports Betting Lingo A

AccumulatorSimilar to a parlay wager. A bettor places simultaneous wagers on two or more games or events, pressing the winnings from the first onto the second, third, etc. To win this type of bet, all the individual selections must be won.
Across the BoardA horse racing bet where win, place, and show outcomes are wagered with equal stakes.
ActionA bet that is valid and will have a result; in casinos, ‘action’ refers to the gameplay at tables, such as blackjack or roulette.
Across the boardThree horse racing bets that cover a horse to win, place and show.
Added gameAppear on betting boards after main lists are posted. They are common in college football and mainly appear due to public demand. An added game may also be a postponed match, like a rainout in baseball, from the previous day.
AET oddsAfter extra time (AET) odds are posted primarily on soccer matches when extra time is added at the end of regulation time due to in-game stoppages. AET odds are offered as live betting options.
Against the Spread (ATS)Refers to the outcome of an event/game which takes the point spread into account. Alternatively, taking points instead of betting with the spread.
AjaxA UK term that basically means betting tax. Could be considered like the US term ‘vig’ or vigorish.
All-InIn sports betting, this is a wager that includes several events, and all must have action and be won. Should a game receive no action or be canceled, the wager is refunded. In poker, this refers to a bet where a player pushes all their chips into play.
Also ranAn athlete, horse, or greyhound that doesn’t finish in a paying position during a race.
Ante-Posta bet forecasting the outcome of a future match/event.
ArbitrageMore of an advanced wagering strategy where a player bets on both sides of a game or event and has a guaranteed profit due to the difference in odds. This will usually involve placing wagers at different sportsbooks.
Asian handicapMost common in soccer, Asian handicap odds start at 0.25 goals and can go as high as 2.0 goals. These are two-way bets since a draw/tie option is not offered.
Australian OpenFirst of four women’s and men’s Grand Slam tennis tournaments that are played over two weeks in mid-January.

Sports Betting Lingo B

Backdoor coverOccurs when a score helps bettors cover a spread bet but doesn’t affect the game winner. If Baltimore is up 35-21, as a -10 point favorite, Cleveland bettors earn a backdoor cover if the Browns score a late touchdown to make the final score 35-28 in favor of the Ravens.
BackedAnother word for a team that has received most of the wagers placed. It could also be considered the favorite.
Bad BeatPlayers experience a bad beat when a wager is on the verge of winning but then becomes a losing ticket. A bad beat will often occur when points are scored late in a match. Players who bet on game totals, point spreads and money lines will experience a bad beat from time to time.
BankerRefers to the team most expected to win in a series of other wagers which are tied together. As the strongest wager in a parlay or accumulator, this is the key selection that must win to guarantee any return.
BankrollMoney set aside, or deposited into an account, that is used for betting. A player’s bankroll increases with each winning wager and decreases with each losing bet.
Bankroll ManagementMuch like managing a personal bank account, bettors should practice proper bankroll management. Setting wagering limits, shopping for the best odds value, plus only wagering what one can afford to lose, are keys to properly managing a sports betting budget.
Bar PriceThis could also be considered a ‘field’ bet. It is the odds quoted for the last specified selection. For example, 8-1 Bar means every other team or selection has odds of at least 8-1.
BeardA bet runner who places wagers for professional bettors so they can conceal their identity from bookmakers.
BeefA situation, dispute, or claim involving a player and a bookmaker or other casino employee or dealer.
Beginner’s LuckA newcomer’s winning streak.
Belmont StakesThird jewel in the Triple Crown of thoroughbred racing. Race day is the first or second Saturday in June (three weeks after the Preakness Stakes) at Belmont Park in Elmont, New York.
BetAny wager involving money wagered at a sportsbook, casino, racebook or poker room.
Bet LimitThe minimum and maximum amount of money a bettor can wager.
Betting exchangeA middleman that isn’t a sportsbook or a bettor. An exchange posts bets with two sides and the betting option remains listed until both sides are bet on. Betting exchanges profit by taking a small commission (juice) from winning tickets.
Betting strategyVarious plans that bettors use to get a leg-up on bookmakers. Primary betting strategies should include proper bankroll management and performing extensive research prior to placing wagers.
Betting TaxThis is a tax levied against a bookmaker’s turnover, normally seen as a duty imposed on every pound wagered. A bettor may either pay the tax with the wager or deduct it from the winnings.
BettorSomeone who places a bet or wager. This is also referred to as a punter.
BookieShort for a bookmaker.
BookmakerPerson licensed to accept wagers on events. A licensed individual who sets daily betting odds and accepts bets. Also known as a linemaker.
BottleMeaning odds of 2 to 1.
Breeders CupGrade I thoroughbred championship horse racing series that runs on the first Friday and Saturday in November. The series is run at a variety of race tracks. Santa Anita Park and Churchill Downs have hosted the most Breeders’ Cup events.
Bridge JumperFor someone who loves placing large show bets upon odds-on favorites in horse racing.
Bucka $100 wager. May also be referred to as a dollar bet, or simply a dollar.
BugA Joker card.
Burlington BertieThe odds or price of 100 to 30 (10 to 3).
Buy pointsBettors can buy points, using alternate point spreads and game totals, to gain a more favorable line. If a spread is set at +2.5 points a player can buy one point to move the line up to + 3.5 points. Juice attached to the odds increases with each point purchased.
Buy PriceWhen placing a wager using a spread or index bet, this is the higher figure quoted. It is the amount paid by the bettor.
Buy the RackA wager which purchases every possible daily double or other combination ticket.

Sports Betting Lingo C

Calder CupAwarded to the top-performing rookie player during the NHL regular season.
Canadian LineA combination bet consisting of 26 total wagers with 5 selections in different events, made up of 10 doubles, 10 trebles, five 4-folds and one 5-fold. Also known as a Super Yankee.
CapWhen a sportsbook places a limit on the number of rounds of betting.
CarpetFor odds of 3 to 1. May also be called Tres or Gimmel.
CenturyAnother term for a 100 wager. A Ton.
CFPCollege Football Playoffs, which determine the NCAA football National Champion.
ChalkThe favorite in a wager.Another term for favorite.
Chalk bettorA player that bets on favorites with the majority of their wagers
Chalk PlayerSomeone who typically wagers on favorites.
ChaseWhen a bettor continually makes more wagers to recover their losses.
Circled GameA game where the maximum action or bet is limited. Matches that have set betting maximums, which are capped at low amounts. Games are usually circled when bookmakers face unknowns such as player injuries, weather or rumors that surface prior to a match. Opening odds and prop options are often circled as well.
Closing LineThe final betting odds posted prior to the start of a competition.
Co-favoriteTwo or more sides with identical odds to win. Common with futures odds, bookmakers may post co-favorites to win the NBA Finals championship.
Cold TableRefers to a table where players making smart bets are on a losing streak.
CombineA series of fitness tests that help scouts from professional teams evaluate amateur athletes. The NFL Scouting Combine is a highly anticipated prelude to the annual NFL draft.
Combination BetA selection of any number of teams or horses to finish first and second, in either order.
CommissionAnother term for vigorish and juice, commission is the bookmakers take on any bet. It is also the amount a betting exchange takes from winning wagers.
Commissioner’s TrophyAwarded annually to the MLB World Series champion.
Correct scoreBettors are offered a list of possible final scores on a match. In soccer, players can bet on a match ending as low as 0-0 or as high as 5-0 plus all scores in between. The most likely result is the favorite and the least likely result is the underdog.
Correlated ParlayA type of wager in which both bets are highly related, to such an extent that if the first bet wins it greatly increases the chances of the second winning.
Cover/Covering the spreadWhen a team wins by enough points to ensure a wager victory, they are said to have covered the spread. The team may also have simply lost the game by less points than the spread suggest they would. To cover a wager mean the player wins their bet.
Credit BettingWagering with a bookmaker using credit provided.
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